For the past five years, I've had the honor of teaching a Master's degree in Animation and Visualisation at the prestigious UTS Animal Logic Academy. Our program is designed to provide students with a real-world understanding of working as artists in the industry. We've created a unique learning environment that mirrors a professional animation studio, complete with the same tools, pipeline, and processes used by major studios. Throughout the year, our students collaborate on exciting animated short films. Here are a few of the incredible projects I've directed alongside these talented students during that time.
Go here to find out more - UTS Animal Logic Academy

Set in a futuristic neo-Venice, ‘Robo Ramen’ tells the story of a dishwashing robot who dreams of becoming a top chef. But only when the owner has an unexpected accident, does he get the chance to step up to the plate.
This project was developed as part of the emerging visualisation technologies subject using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 5.0 software as part of the ‘Unreal Short Film Challenge’. The complete project was produced in just 8 weeks using motion capture animation techniques ‘in-engine’ and is featured in the Unreal Global Student Showcase.